Friday 9 January 2015

An Interview with Jason: Business Development Manager for SPAN Technology

Anonymous 13:14

When you consider the time, money, and ultimately the trust that it takes to hire a software developer, it’s important to know who you’re doing business with before you commit. 

That’s why I sat down with Jason, Business Development Manager at SPAN Technology, to get to know him and the company better. 

Sara Jane: Jason, thank you for taking the time to sit down with me today. I just want to dive right in and get to the hard-hitting questions- the question on everyone’s mind.

Jason: Good, let’s get nitty gritty. I’m ready.

Sara Jane: Okay, here goes…Are you a cat person or a dog person, and why?

Jason: (without hesitation) Dog person. I used to be a cat person, but then I changed when my wife got our shih-tzu . A dog actually needs you, wants you, shows you affection. All a cat ever wants is for you to feed them, so over time you start to feel like you’re being used.

Sara Jane: True, a cat will love you and leave you. But that’s one of the things I love about them, their independence. I’ll try not to hold it against you too much. We’ve still got nine more questions to go, wouldn’t want it to be awkward.

Jason: Of course, let’s move along. 

Sara Jane: Okay, so tell me a little bit about SPAN Technology in a nutshell. What do you do?

Jason: Well, to sum it up, we develop web or mobile-based applications, so whether you need something for the frontend of your business, like an app, or the backend like an administrative program, we can do design and develop that with you.

Essentially, anything your business needs as far as application development goes, that’s what we do. And even once the product launches, if you need SEO or web-based marketing, we’ve got that covered also.

Our team has a multitude of experience creating cloud-based technologies, so we’re excited to take that experience and open it up to everyone.

Sara Jane:
Well that leads into my next question perfectly, so you guys do have quite a bit of experience?

Jason: Absolutely. Naga Palanisamy, one of our co-founders has over 20 years of experience in this industry just by himself. Now as a company, we’ve been around since 2009, and in that time, we’ve developed 13 products with over 200,000 users worldwide.

Predominantly these products have been mostly business products, like cloud-based business management programs and software for E-filing of IRS taxes. But the best part is that each product has taught us more than the last.

Sara Jane: Interesting. What, for example, have you learned developing these products?

Time and time again, we see the value of customer feedback. We don’t take it lightly.

We know that products are ever-changing, you never release a finished product. A finished product is a dead or dying product. The customer will always have, and continue to have, input that makes the product better.

That’s why we look at our relationship with businesses as a partnership rather than a one-time transaction that ends at launch. Because we know your clients will have improvements to add that you didn’t even think of during development. So when that feedback comes in, we’ll still be there to help you implement those changes and keep your product dynamic and relevant to your users. 

Sara Jane: So what differentiates SPAN Technology from other software developers? Why should I choose you guys?

Jason: This goes back to what I was saying about relationships. With SPAN Technology, you won’t be working with a company that looks at you like just a number. Every client we take in, we view as a partner. Your ideas are important, and we want to realize that in a cost-effective manner.

Some people are scared off by pricing for developing proprietary software, but we can work within any budget and help show you the most profitable way for your business

Plus you’ll like me. No, I’m kidding. But seriously, you will. I give you the Jason Promise. 

Sara Jane: So charming. Well, since we’re already talking about you, what is your role as business development manager?

Jason: Since this is a relatively new venture, I wear many hats, not only going out to find businesses that need our services, but also increasing brand awareness.

For us, brand recognition is key right now. The challenge is that our products are known world-wide, but no one knows us–the “man behind the curtain” if you will–outside of the faces of our products. So we are starting from the ground up, telling people who we are and showing them the team behind the products they already know and love. 

Sara Jane: “Man behind the curtain,” nice Wizard of Oz reference. So we’re in the midst of a mobile app boom that doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Would you say every business needs a mobile app?

Jason: Yes. Because mobile is king. Over 80% of the world’s population has a mobile phone, and that percentage will only increase. As long as mobile technologies are an integral part of our society, businesses will need to continue developing mobile applications to keep up with the times.

And for businesses that don’t have an app yet, that mobile application is often the key to reaching a previously untapped client-base they may not have even realized was there before.


Sara Jane: I feel like this next question will say a lot about you as a person. What’s your desert-island device, the piece of technology you absolutely couldn’t live without.

Jason: Hmm, as an owner of multiple gaming consoles, tablets, and laptops, that’s a tough question. But I suppose I’d have to say my phone.

It would allow me to keep in touch with people– or even to call the National Guard to get me off the island. And then while I’m waiting for rescue, I could still play games, watch movies, and listen to music.

Sara Jane: I feel like that’s cheating, but I’ll allow it.

Jason: It’s called a life hack, Sara.

Sara Jane: Touche. Okay, to give me more insight into your soul, what’s your favorite movie of all time?

Jason: Again, an extremely difficult question. I love movies of all kinds. I guess you could call me a cinephile.

I suppose I’ll say...Contact, a film from the 90’s with Jodie Foster & Matthew McConaughey. It’s about discovering intelligent aliens in the universe, so it has a pretty humbling message to it: that we're small. Even though we tend to look at our society as the center of the universe, we are very tiny. Plus Contact delves into the tension between science and religion. It’s very thought-provoking...the critics didn’t get it.

Sara Jane: Sounds like it’s right up my alley, then! Okay, now this last one is a bit more serious. It’s for anyone out there reading this who is still on the fence about you.

Jason: Hit me.

Sara Jane: Hamburgers or hot dogs?

Jason: Bacon.

I mean, I love hamburgers, hot dogs, and just about every other kind of meat out there. But can put bacon on anything, and it only makes it better.

Sara Jane: I see, so for you bacon is a seasoning like salt or pepper.

Jason: Well I see it more as a condiment. Most people use ketchup or mustard, but my favorite condiment is bacon. It goes with everything.

Sara Jane: Well, Jason. Those are all of the questions I have for you today, which is good, because I really don’t see how we could top that last one.

Thanks so much for your time, it was a treat getting to know you better, and I think the readers will agree.

Jason: Absolutely, it’s my pleasure as well.

Well, there you have it: an inside look at the brain of Jason, Business Development Manager for SPAN Technology. If you’ve got an idea, or maybe just a series of questions, he’s your go-to guy for answers, and for a few laughs too. 

You can reach Jason via phone at 704.954.8420, or fire him a message at To learn more about SPAN Technology and the services they offer, visit

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